Allocations totalling nearly €465,000 have been to youth organisations under the Youth Climate Justice Fund.
The grants will benefit 14 projects proposed by 23 national youth groups either as solo or consortium applications.
To bring about Climate Change, we need creative thinking and ideas from all sections of our society, particularly our younger people.
I welcome the initiative shown in these applications, many of which have taken into account the context of the COVID-19 crisis.
Grants are being awarded to three ‘consortium’ applications including bids led by ECO-UNESCO (with, Young Irish Film Makers, No Name Club, Irish Girl Guides and the Girls’ Brigade as partner organisations); Church of Ireland Youth Department (with the Girls Friendly Society as a partner organisation); and National Youth Council of Ireland (including Macra na Feirme, Involve and Young Men’s Christian Association as partner organisations.)
Other grants are being been made to Catholic Guides of Ireland, Crosscare, Feachtas Óg-Ghluaisteacht Gaeilge, Foróige, Gaisce, Junior Chamber International (Ireland), Localise Youth Volunteering, Ógras, Scouting Ireland, Youth Theatre Ireland and Youth Work Ireland.
The fund, which is in its inaugural year, will close with an Outcomes Conference organised by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs.
The conference will be led by the young people involved in the activities supported by the fund and will inform its future development.

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