Welcome progress on new single campus National School for Gort

I have been informed by the Minister for Education that the proposed single campus national school at Gort is progressing.
The Minister has confirmed that the Developed Design Stage 2a is progressing and that a report has recently been submitted to the Department for review and approval.
“Following approval by the Department of the Developed Design, the project will then progress to Detailed Design which includes planning permission, fire certification, tender stage and appointment of the building contractor”.
“The project will accommodate 12 classrooms and a 2 class SEN base with associated special education teach rooms, staff rooms, toilet facilities and associates siteworks”.
Currently, Gort National School is spread across two sites in the town centre and at the edge of the town.
“It is important that the momentum is kept up and I urge the Minister and Department officials to expedite the review and approval of the Stage 2a design so that the project can progress to details design and tender as quickly as possible”.
“I will continue to liaise with the Minister to ensure it progresses in a timely manner for the benefit of Gort National School”.

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