Welcome progress on Gort Lowlands Flood Relief Scheme

I have been informed by Galway County Council that the Feasibility Report for the Gort Lowlands have identified a potential scheme that is both environmentally acceptable and cost beneficial.
“This is great news for the many families who have suffered from flooding over many decades”
‘I am delighted the initiative I put in place when Minister of Flooding in 2016 has brought this project to this stage’.
“I want to acknowledge the work of the Consultants, Galway County Council, Flood Action Group and G.S.I for their input. Whilst there was a delay in finalising the report, it is gratifying that we now have a project with engineering solutions based on cost benefits”.
“I look forward to the project being brought forward to full design and construction. The people of Gort deserve a break from fear of being flooded. Now we have a solution”.

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