The Government’s agreement to provide an additional €2 million in funding for Rehab is welcome news for its Galway service users, Galway East TD and Minister for Community Development Seán Canney has said

Rehab faced a funding crisis as a result of additional health services it provided during the recession years, coupled with rising insurance and compliance costs.

Minister Canney said: “Rehab provides a whole range of services throughout Rural Ireland, in particular for people with disabilities, both physical and intellectual.

“I had meetings with Minister for Health Simon Harris and Minister of State for Disability Issues Finian McGrath about the funding crisis facing Rehab, which was causing great distress to those whose services were under threat.

“We had a lot of representations at the constituency office from people who were worried and I am very pleased that the situation has now been resolved.”

Three thousand adults and children use services provided by Rehab, which employs 1,500 people at 117 locations around Ireland.


For more information, contact Minister Canney on 086-2513639

May 22 2019

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