Welcome funding for 3 flooding relief schemes for Galway
Welcome funding for 3 flooding relief schemes for Galway.
I have received confirmation from the Minister for the Office of Public Works that he has today sanctioned funding for three flood relief schemes under the Minor works Scheme to the value of €120,000.00.
The works includes Approval €19,800 at Dunmore Golf Club, Co Galway. Dunmore Golf Club experiences significant flooding issues during heavy rainfall events. Galway County Council undertook a site inspection of the issues with representatives from the golf club in February 2022 and it is believed that installing flap valves on 2no pipes will stop flood waters backing up into the golf course. The works include the installation of flap valves on 2 no. pipes & construct 510m3 retaining pond.
The funding allocation also includes €45,000 for a hydrological survey at Clarin River Works, Athenry Co Galway. This work is necessary because of excessive rainfall in Aug 2019 resulted in the river Clarin overtopping, flooding many areas within the town and outlying areas. The Hydrological Study of Clarin River Basin area will determine whether the proposed solutions are viable from both an Environmental & Hydrological perspective.
Funding of €54,000 at Moneen, Tuam, surface water runoff from surrounding higher lands causing flooding of residential property. The works include the installation of a new 450mm diameter concrete pipe crossing road with headwalls and non-return valves.
I wish to commend Galway County Council and the OPW Regional Office in Headford for their great work in preparing the applications. The works will be carried by Galway County Council in the coming months.
I also acknowledge the help and support of Cllr. Gabe Cronnelly is assisting in getting the funding for Athenry in place.