Welcome Court Decision on Business Insurance.
I welcome the decision by the courts to side with publicans who out of necessity had to take a case against FBD Insurance who were refusing to honour claims under the business interruption clause in their insurance policies.
“I want first to congratulate the four individuals who took the case on. It is of great benefit to all publicans who have suffered so much since March 2020 and were refused compensation they are intitled to by insurance companies”.
“I am on record of calling for the insurance companies to honour their liability, but they refused. The four people who took the test case have now opened up the possibility for pubs to seek compensation for business interruption due to COVID-19 lockdown”.
“I am now calling on all insurance companies to deal with their clients who have suffered business interruptions. These same insurance companies have received billions in insurance premiums over many years and when a crisis occurs, they have taken the cowardly route by refusing to pay out legitimate claims for business interruption loss”.
“Many businesses including publicans across the consistency of Galway East can now legitimately expect to be compensated for their loss”.