Welcome commencement of the Part 8 planning for Athenry Fire Station
I have been informed that Galway County Council will today publish the public notice for the commencement of the Planning process for the new first station for Athenry.
“I am delighted that this project is progressing following initial delays, but I am pleased that the site is now secured from the IDA and the design is complete with the planning process now proceeding. The planning will take 3 months to complete.
“I am assured by the Council that this project is now progressing following a lengthy campaign for funding. I acknowledge the support of former Minister Eoghan Murphy who visited the site with me in 2019”.
“Our fire service provides enormous security to the city and county and I want to ensure that they are fully equipped to deal with all emergencies and that their fire stations are meeting modern standards”.
“In Galway East, I had the honour of officially opening the new fire station in Tuam last year and I continue to work with the fire service to identify and secure a suitable site for a new fire station in Loughrea”.
I acknowledge the work of Cllr. Gabe Cronnelly and Cllr. Geraldine Donohue for their work in advancing the Fire stations in Athenry and Loughrea
“I acknowledge the work of Galway County Fire service staff in progressing these much-needed fire station facilities in the East of the county. I am also working with the Council in identifying a site in Galway City for the much-needed new station for the city”.
“As always, I commend the fire service and all the fire fighters who work to keep our communities safe”.