Water Framework Directive- Draft River Basin Management Plan

Engagement and Feedback on the ‘Recommended Priority Water Bodies for Action’ and the Public Consultations meetings.

Find out about the proposed river and lake water bodies identified for action in County Galway as part of the Draft River Basin Management Plan 2018-2021.

Galway County Council will be hosting two briefing sessions, the first on the 24th October from 7pm to 9pm in Peacockes, Maam Cross and the second on the 25th of October from 7pm to 9pm in the Galway County Council, Municipal Offices in Loughrea.

There will be a short presentation on the River Basin Management Plan Development followed by a session focused on the ‘Areas for Action’ and reasons for selection. Maps displaying Water Status and Risk for water bodies and maps of priority areas at risk will be available for viewing.

Galway County Council and The Waters and Communities Office are interested in hearing your feedback on the proposed priority areas identified for action in County Galway as these areas will be included in the final River Basin Management Plan 2018 – 2021 due to be finalised in December 2017.

For further information see http://watersandcommunities.ie/ Or contact Galway Community Water Officer, Catherine Seale on 0858085533 or cseale@lawco.ie

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