The Government has launched a COVID-19 Action Plan to co-ordinate a huge national response by communities, volunteers and individuals to the challenges presented by the crisis.
The plan was issued by Minister Michael Ring and myself in Dublin today.
We live in unprecedented circumstances but people are responding at all levels.
We have the Public Participation Network, Volunteer Centres, sporting bodies, farming organisations, community councils and other stakeholders and agencies all in place.
This plan provides a focus so that our national efforts will be co-ordinated to optimum effect.
The three key areas for the plan by the Department of Rural and Community Development are: Letting people know how and where they volunteer through the partnership with Volunteer Ireland and the network of local Volunteer Centres; providing community supports for older people, for example by providing funding to ALONE for their crisis telephone support line and follow through practical supports; and launching an email helpdesk for registered organisations.
Now is the time for the big meitheal. Now is the time to demonstrate once again our ability as a nation to help each other and look after the most vulnerable.
This Action Plan is a whole of Government approach. It has been put together by my department in partnership with other Government Departments, State Agencies and the extensive network of community and voluntary organisations.
All our efforts rely on a community response. We have put in place measures to help those volunteers and groups who are putting their shoulders to the wheel.
The Government has committed to put the required funding and resources in place immediately so that we can implement these measures on the ground as quickly as possible.
It is also important to remind people of supports that are already in place, such as the Senior Alerts Scheme which provides home security for many older people with alarm pendants and direct communication with support services.
Neighbours, families and friends should check that those systems are working and being used.”
The Action Plan also includes a reminder that all those volunteering should follow the Health Service Executive and official Government guidelines, such as social distancing.
The Action Plan can be found at the following link https://www.gov.ie/en/publication/58a0a9-you-your-community-and-covid-19/
The email address for the dedicated helpdesk service for registered community organisations is c&v@drcd.gov.ie

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