Supports calls to develop the Wool Industry in Ireland

I have called on the Government to support the Wool Industry in Ireland.
In Ireland the value of wool has dropped and is considered worthless at present.
As a product wool is natural, it is carbon friendly and it is renewable.
“There are many products that can be produced from wool, for example clothes, fabrics, insulation and many more”.
“We need to take control of this Industry, develop products, support business involved in developing by products and initiate the development of a scouring plant in Ireland. Presently we export wool to the UK for this process”.
“Over 5 million kg of wool is produced annually. A product that is an environmentally friendly natural resources which has the potential to create sustainable jobs in the regions. It can provide a reasonable price for farmers if we can produce products relevant to the Irish market”.
“I know that the Programme for Government has a line in it committing to reviving the wool Industry. We need to get industry up off the floor as there is great potential in it for regional Ireland and sheep farmers”.

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