Statement from Seán Canney TD on his appointment as Minister of State for Rural Affairs and Natural Resources

Statement from Seán Canney TD on his appointment as Minister of State for Rural Affairs and Natural Resources.

I am honoured to have been appointed to the position of Minister of State for Rural Affairs and Natural Resources.
I am delighted for my family, for my supporters, my staff and my constituency of Galway East. The portfolio is varied and offers a number of challenges which I look forward to. I also look forward to working in Government to implement the Programme for Government as agreed. Now that I am appointed as a Minister of State I hope to be in a position to assist in the implementation of the remainder of the Programme for Government. I also look forward to working with Ministers Michael Ring and Richard Bruton and I acknowledge the work that has already been done in the Department of Rural Affairs and Natural Resources by my predecessor, Seán Kyne, a fellow Galway man.

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