Speed limits should be reduced at all schools to 30kph
I have called on the Department to introduce a national speed limit of 30kph at all schools in the country.
“Presently there are many schools especially rural National schools outside of towns and villages where the speed limit is set at 80kph. Whilst there maybe intermittent flashing speed signs they are not effective and are not working at times.
In the interest of safety of school children, a national policy of 30kph is required at all schools. This will remove the doubt for drivers and help safeguard safety for children, parents, and staff at school premises.
I have been in contact with many schools principles and parents expressing the view that the existing ad hoc arrangement is dangerous and is exposing children to the risk of being injured from a passing car or truck who can travel at 80kph presently.
I have written to the Minister for Transport requesting that he introduces a blanket rule to fix speed limits to 30kph at every school. The local authorities can then introduce the speed limits as part of their next speed limit review.
We have already set a national speed limit of 30kph for all residential housing estates, and this has worked and is effective. My motivation is to save lives and ensure that children, parents, and school staff have a safe environment on the public road adjacent to schools”.