Sean Canney – Tuam Courthouse approved for refurbishment

Sean Canney – Tuam Courthouse approved for refurbishment

I have received confirmation today from Mr. Charlie Flanagan T.D. Minister for Justice and Equality that Tuam Courthouse has been included in the next bundle of courthouses to be refurbished. The Tuam courthouse located at Dublin Road Tuam has been vacated for approximately 15 years.
‘This is good news for Tuam as it signals the intention of the court services to provide a permanent courthouse in Tuam. Since the closure of the premises on Dublin road the courts have been located in different premises around the town and this has been totally unsatisfactory.
‘The court services through the Office of Public works will now prepare the necessary design for a modern courthouse for Tuam. The existing building is a protected structure and I have received confirmation that the court services and the O.P.W. will commence further engagement with Galway County Council in order to design solutions for the building of a new courthouse.
‘The courthouse on the Dublin Road is an eye sore in the town and I am thankful to Minister Flanagan for his support and assistance in having Tuam being included in the bundle of courthouses to be restored which will be announced by Minister Flanagan today’.

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