School projects in Athenry need to be progressed as a matter of urgency to meet future demand
I have requested the Department of Education to fast track their building programme for Athenry to meet the increase demand for school places.
As the secondary schools in Athenry are holding their open nights and enrolment programmes there is a shortage of spaces.
I understand that both Clairin College and Presentation College are already at full capacity and that there will be serious issues when the realisation dawns that there will be students and families who will be disappointed if they cannot be offered a school place in their local school of choice.
Despite the fact that both secondary schools are new and are operational for a short time the reality is that they are full due to their success.
It is a source of concern that the Department of Education are not willing to support any additional accommodation for Presentation College Athenry which is at maximum capacity presently, as advised in a written Parliamentary Question tabled by me to the Minister for Education.
Families and students will be disappointed each year if the Department and Minister for Education continue with their present attitude and school places are not available.