A major boost for the charities and voluntary sector has been announced by Minister Michael Ring TD and Galway East TD and Minister for Community Development Seán Canney.
The €40 million emergency package of supports are aimed at dealing with the financial crisis faced by charities and voluntary organisations as a result of COVID-19.
The package consists of:
• A €35 million Stability Fund which will provide a level of support for qualifying organisations who are in particular difficulty and have seen their trading and/or fundraising income drop significantly.
• A €5 million Government commitment to a Philanthropy Fund which will focus on supporting responses to the COVID-19 crisis that require innovative solutions to current and emerging challenges.
Minister Canney said: “I am delighted to announce these important supports along with my colleague in the Department of Rural and Community Development Minister Michael Ring.
“The measures will prioritise charities and voluntary organisations that deliver critical services to older and more vulnerable people during the pandemic crisis.
“Many organisations have seen a dramatic fall in income with the loss of fund-raising events and the closure of charity shops.
“The measures are being funded by the Dormant Accounts Fund, for which I am responsible.
“Given the emergency situation facing charities and voluntary organisations, we decided to allocate an additional €40 million from the fund for this year to help them.”
Full details of the funding package can be found on the website of the Department of Rural and Community Development at https://www.gov.ie/en/organisation/department-of-rural-and-community-development/
For more information, contact Minister Canney on 086-2513639
May 8 2020