Public Consultation with landowners and homeowners on the Gort Flood Relief Scheme

I have received confirmation from Patrick O’Donavan TD Minister of the OPW that further Public Consultation with landowners and homeowners will be held in Gort once the COVID restrictions are lifted.
“At present there is a virtual public consultation but as this is a very complicated and unique engineering project it is important that the public can engage fully with the design staff”.
“Following a meeting last night between the Gort Flood Relief Committee and public representatives where concerns were expressed the lack of engagement on the ground between the Design Team and locals, I contacted Galway County Council and the Minister”
“The decision to further engage with the public is welcome as it is important that this vital Flood Relief Scheme which I initiated when I was the Minister in charge is progressed with the support of the local community, landowners and homeowners”
“People have suffered so much due to regular severe flooding and I am confident that we now have a scheme that is cost effective and environmentally feasible”.

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