There will be a public consultation on the realignment scheme for the R332 at Kilbannon on Monday March 2 at Tuam. The consultation will be hosted by Galway County Council along with the project’s consultants O’Connor Sutton Cronin.
This is an ideal opportunity for any members of the public interested in the scheme to find out more about it and raise any issues they may have.
The realignment will be from Duddy’s pub to the GAA pitch. Residents in the area petitioned for the road to be improved following an increase in traffic as a result of more motorists accessing the new M17 motorway in Tuam.”
Funding was made available by the Department of Transport last year to begin the design, ground surveys and planning process for the scheme.
A further €500,000 in funding was recently announced by the Department for construction.
The project will involve widening the road and installing a walkway and cycle way from St Benin’s School to the GAA pitch, two pedestrian crossings, public lighting at the crossroads, a full drainage scheme including attenuation ponds, timber fencing and planting of new native hedgerows.
Following the consultation event, an application for part 8 planning permission will be lodged.
It is anticipated that the tender process for the contractor will begin in mid-April with the procurement stage taking another six weeks.
Galway County Council expects the preferred contractor to commence work in late summer with a six to eight-month construction time frame.