I welcome the progress that has been made for group water schemes around the Galway East constituency.
The group water schemes provide an essential service for our communities and I continue to work with them to secure funding for further improvements.
I acknowledge their contribution and the many volunteers that work on their behalf.
There has been recent progress for the following schemes:
Funding approved for upgrade at Ballyglass/Fiddane GWS treatment plant.
Construction completed for Coole GWS treatment plant. Training for GWS personnel is currently postponed because of the COVID-19 crisis.
Upgrade to Looscaun GWS ready to go to tender shortly.
An analysis will be carried out to determine what works are required for the amalgamation of Caherlistrane/Kilcoona GWS and Belclare GWS.
Funding has been approved for Kilchreest GWS and Gortanumera GWS to extend their networks to un-serviced households.
Roo GWS secured funding for treatment equipment. Tender documents have to be prepared.
Funding has been approved for meters and valves for Cloondine GWS. Amalgamation discussions with Ballyaneen Rakerin GWS are postponed because of the COVID-19 crisis.
Tender documents are to be prepared for an approved upgrade for Belmont GWS.
Upgrade works for Derryoober GWS have been approved, including addressing iron issues in the source. Recently installed meters discovered two significant leaks, which have been repaired.
Feigh East and West GWS has received funding to install a UV system and is awaiting production of tender documents.

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