Progress on Athenry Boys N.S. – Minister Sean Canney

Galway East Independent TD Seán Canney has received confirmation that the Quantity Surveyor for the Athenry Boys National School is to be appointed and that the Design Team will then be in place to allow the new extension to the school to progress.
The school extension is being finalised at present and will be presented to the school as part of the consultation process.
It is expected that the planning application for the project will be lodged with Galway County Council by the end of this year.
The design includes for the construction of four classrooms, works to general purpose hall and works to refurbish existing school.
The O.P.W have provided land to accommodate the extension. This means that the hurling pitch facility will not be encroached upon.
Minister Canney will continue to monitor progress on this project on behalf of the school, Board of Management, staff, pupils and parents.

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