Galway East TD and Minister for Rural Affairs Seán Canney has advised owners of private water supplies to make use of a revised grant scheme that has been made available to them.
Minister Canney said: “A new grant scheme is now in operation for people who rely solely on their own wells.
“It does not apply to households that have a mains connection or that are part of Group Water Schemes, which have their own separate funding programmes.
“The scheme for private water supplies is aimed at helping people with capital expenditure that is required to make sure supplies are clean or to ensure there is a sufficient quantity of supply for the household.
“Clean water is essential to public health and the scheme supports those in rural areas who have the same right to good quality drinking water as those in urban areas.”
Applications should be made through Galway County Council housing department, which will then carry out an assessment of the existing supply, prior to the householder submitting detailed plans for the works required.
Subject to approval, works deemed eligible can then proceed.
Grants of 85% for well rehabilitation up to €3,000 or for a new well up to €5,000 are available. Grants of 100% up to €1,000 are available where the housing authority deems work is necessary to bring water quality up to required standards.
Anyone interested in the scheme, can find out more at or by contacting the Rural Water Programme liaison officer at Galway County Council.
For more information, contact Minister Canney on 086-2513639
June 11 2020