I am urging shop owners and businesses to talk to Galway County Council about using street spaces outside their premises to help restart their businesses, particularly in light of the need for social distancing.
The idea would be to extend retail areas out into parking spaces or public areas where they would have more opportunity for selling goods and more space for customers to move around or sit.
This use of parklets as they are known is common practice for towns in the United States and New Zealand and makes sense when space in shops and businesses is currently at a premium.
This could be a temporary option while social distancing guidelines are in place. We also need to get more people onto the streets of our towns in order to kick start our local businesses.
Easily assembled street furniture and decking could be used so that once there was no longer any need for it, it could be readily dismantled.
Reducing traffic to one lane and using more one-way systems could be options for creating more space.
They would give more opportunity for shops to use parking spaces provided there were set-down options located at key points.
Architects and engineers for Mayo County Council are looking at the feasibility of parklets for municipal districts.
Galway County Council should do the same and I would urge interested business owners to get in touch with the council to register their support for such an initiative.

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