I am urging community and voluntary support groups for older people to seek funding from a new €1 million Government grant scheme.
I am delighted that new funding is being made available for these very valuable organisations that provide the supports needed to allow our older people to stay living in their communities and provide them with the social interactions they need.
I am also very pleased that approximately €250,000 of the Community and Voluntary Support Grant Scheme will be dedicated to dementia-related initiatives.
It is very important that community and voluntary groups in Galway East get their applications in as soon as possible. This is an opportunity that should not be missed.
The grant scheme, which is being run by the Health Service Executive (HSE), encourages submissions from Older Persons’ Friendly projects that will provide new, innovative or extend existing services that are in line with the aims of Positive Ageing, Carers and Dementia strategies and the Task Force on Loneliness.
Details of the application process for the grant scheme are available on the HSE website at the following link https://www.hse.ie/eng/services/list/4/olderpeople/support-grant-for-older-persons/community-voluntary-support-grant-for-older-persons.html
The closing date for applications is August 15, The Minister with Responsibility for Mental Health and Older People Jim Daly TD is expected to announce successful applications in September.

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