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Welcomes extension of waiver for development levy & water connection charge rebate for housing
I welcome the decision by Government to extend of the Waiver for the development Levy and a water connection rebate for housing. The waiver and rebate scheme were introduced last May for a 12-month period [...]
Canney Welcomes inclusion of the Western Rail Corridor in the EU Transport network.
I welcome the decision by the European Parliament to include The Western Rail Corridor and Galway Port in the TEN-T Network following an application by the Irish Government last month. This is a game changer [...]
Time to End Means Testing for Family Carers
Regional Group of Dáil Deputies Proposes Motion to End Means Testing for Family Carers. I along with the Regional Group of TDs, comprising nine Dáil Deputies, is seeking cross party support for their motion to [...]
Welcomes opening of long awaited Xray facility in Tuam.
I welcome the opening of the Xray facility at the Primary Care Centre in Tuam. The facility was tied up in paperwork since I first secured funding for the facility in 2017 from the then [...]
Safe routes to School programme needs to be fully funded to allow works to be carried out.
The Safe Routes to School Scheme is moving too slowly with only 12 schools across County Galway out of 65 registered for the scheme have to date been sanctioned for funding. Even more worrying is [...]
Ireland must defend turf cutting following the decision by the European Commission to take Ireland to the European Court of Justice.
I have called on the Irish Government to defend the rights of people to cut turf for their own use. The European Union has announced that they are taking the Irish Government to the European [...]