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1709, 2020

Approval given to fast track reform of forestry appeals system

I welcome the decision of the Dáil Business Committee this morning to approve the fast tracking of the Agriculture Appeals (Amendment) Bill 2020 to deal with the horrendous backlog in appeals of forestry applications. “On [...]

1509, 2020

Meeting with Vintners President to discuss re-opening of rural pubs

I have met with Padraic McGann, National President of the Vintners Federation to discuss issues around the re-opening of pubs. ‘The main issue is that the regulations are very complicated and require clarity to ensure [...]

1509, 2020

National Volunteering Week to be Celebrated in Galway

Galway Volunteer Centre has announced a number of events to celebrate National Volunteering Week which takes place from September 21st to September 28th. All of these events will take place online and are free to [...]

1209, 2020

I welcome funding for COVID-19 supports for two villages in Galway East

I welcome the inclusion of Milltown and Killimor in the latest round of the enhanced Town & Village Renewal Scheme to support their response and adaption to COVID-19. Milltown in North Galway has been allocated [...]

1109, 2020

Independent TDs call for urgent Government action on Shannon Airport

I along with a group of Independent TDs from across the West of Ireland have issued a joint statement calling on Government to ensure connectivity from North America and Heathrow to Shannon Airport, and to [...]

909, 2020

Calls on the Government to provide Irish Water with the necessary funding for infrastructure for regional development

Speaking in the Dáil last week I raised the issue of funding for Irish Water to provide the necessary infrastructure required to stimulate the economy post COVID-19 ‘Irish Water are a key driver of this [...]

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