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Calls for the Army to be utilised to accelerate the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine
I have called on the Government to mobilise the Army and the National Army Reserve to help deliver the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine in the quickest time possible. “The Army are ready, equipped, they [...]
Calls on the Government to give a Tax amnesty to Pandemic Unemployment Payment (PUP) recipients
I have called on the Government to introduce a tax amnesty for all PUP recipients. “In a time when people were out of work the PUP was a specific payment. Now is not the time [...]
Praise due to Western Development Commission for their work with the Atlantic Economic Corridor
I congratulate the Western Development Commission for their work in partnering with the Atlantic Economic Corridor (AEC) Taskforce in developing an AEC Hubs project under the remit of the Department of Rural & Community Development. [...]
Counselling services for Mother & Baby Homes survivors essential
The National Counselling Services are essential for Mother and Baby Home survivors and their families in advance of the publication of the Report by the Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes and Certain [...]
I Encourage Galway County Council to apply for financial support for Towns and Villages under €50 million National Walking and Cycling Fund
I welcome the launch a new €50 million fund nationally to allow Local Authorities invest in walking and cycling projects. The fund is specifically targeted at towns and villages across the country. “Connecting residential areas [...]
Calls for Waste Water Treatment facility for Galway East following report on Mutton Island by An-Taisce
I am adamant that if County Galway is to develop properly Irish Water need to begin the process of developing a wastewater Treatment plant for the East of the county. A report prepared by An [...]