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Concerned the Minister for Education is not hearing the concerns of all parents
I have raised concerns that the Minister for Education is not hearing the concerns for the two largest National Organisations who represent 340,000 parents / guardians. “The Catholic Secondary Schools Parents Association (CSSPA) and the [...]
Over €250 million spent on the Jobpath programme in 6 years
I have received confirmation that €250 million has been expended to date on Jobpath which provides long term unemployed Jobseekers with access to an employment and advice service for a period of 12 months. “Jobpath [...]
Supports calls by Society of Chartered Surveyors (SCSI) for more targeted supports for first time buyers
I have called on the Government to put in place a long term strategy for the Help to Buy Scheme with inbuilt targets so that buyers and developers have a clear view on the timeline [...]
Welcome progress on plans to reinstate psychology services for children in the Headford and Lackagh areas
The HSE have notified me that they intend to reinstate psychology services for children in Headford and Lackagh primary care service area. “The HSE have confirmed that approval was given in December 2020 to fill [...]
Challenges the long-term cost of Housing Assistance Payments (HAP)
I have been informed in a response to a Dáil question that the Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) paid out since the scheme was first introduced has cost the exchequer in excess of €1.2 billion. “It [...]
Welcome for availability for High Speed Broadband in Galway East
I welcome the announcement by Imagine that they are now in a position to provide High Speed Broadband to homes and businesses in Tynagh, Ballynakill, Liss, Ballyshrule to Rural Portumna, Gurtymadden and Mullagh. “Priority will [...]