Latest News

1304, 2021

Confirmation received that participants over 62 years can remain on Community Employment Schemes

I have received information from the Department of Social Welfare that participants on Community Employment Schemes who are 62 years in age and have exhausted their lifetime participation on the scheme can apply for the [...]

1304, 2021

Craughwell NS Extension moves closer to construction

I have received confirmation that the tender evaluation for the extension of Craughwell NS is complete and the tender report is now submitted to the Department of Education for approval. “Once the Department approve the [...]

704, 2021

Parkinson’s patients facing severe challenges during COVID-19 pandemic

I have been contacted by Galway Parkinson’s and they confirm that people living with Parkinson’s disease have been experiencing mental health challenges and loss of health services since the COVID-19 pandemic began over a year [...]

604, 2021

Call on the Government to fast track the development of the new National School Campus for Tuam

I am concerned that progress is very slow in developing a new 32 classroom National School Campus for the recently amalgamated 3 national schools in Tuam. “The three national schools St. Pat’s, Mercy and Presentation [...]

604, 2021

Gaelscoil Athenry campus progresses to Design Stage

I have received confirmation from the Department of Education that the Gaelscoil campus for Athenry has been devolved to Galway Roscommon Education and Training Board (GRETB) “The next stage is for the GRETB to procure [...]

604, 2021

Vaccine double booking causing no shows

I have been informed that many patients are not showing up for their vaccine. “I have determined that the reason for the no shows is that they are being double booked”. “It seems there are [...]

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