Latest News
Welcome appointment of Contractor to construct a new footbridge in Athenry
I have received confirmation from Galway County Council that they have appointed the contractor for the construction of a new footbridge to provide pedestrian access to Clarin College Athenry. “The footbridge was planned as part [...]
Tuam Intreo Centre building to be completed in Spring
I have received confirmation that the refurbishment of the old library and conversion into an Intreo Centre for Social Welfare services for Tuam and the North Galway region will be completed in the coming weeks. [...]
Construction costs will impact on delivery of Public Works Contracts
As a former lecturer in Construction Economics and Quantity Surveying in GMIT I have expressed the view that rising costs in materials and labour will impact on what can be delivered under the National Development [...]
Urging people to check their passports prior to booking flights
I urge people to check their passports prior to booking flights. The time to process a passport application can vary. It is very important to know the time it takes to process a passport and [...]
I welcome the major reforms to the Community Employment (CE) and Rural Social Schemes (RSS)
I welcome the major reforms to the Community Employment (CE) and Rural Social Schemes (RSS) after a long campaign which I initiated on behalf of participants in the schemes and Community groups. The main changes [...]
X-ray service for Tuam cannot be delayed and must be provided as a matter of urgency
I have called on the HSE to get on with the installation of the X-ray facility at the Tuam Primary Medical Centre as a matter of urgency. “In November 2017 I secured €700,000 for the [...]