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2004, 2022

Fostering Allowance needs to be increased for Foster Carers

I have received confirmation from the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth that the Foster Care allowance has not been increased since January 2009. It is unfair that no increase has been given [...]

1904, 2022

Calls on Government to take over Derrybrien Wind Farm in the interest of security of electricity supply

I have stated that the 70 turbine electricity producing facility at Derrybrien Co. Galway should not be decommissioned. In a time when we require security of electricity supply it is unbelievable that the ESB are [...]

1804, 2022

Calls on Office of Public Works to showcase our built heritage at the Old Library, Tuam

I have raised the issue of showcasing the built heritage at the old Library Shop Street, Tuam. I understand that the OPW are planning to cover up the old Bank of Ireland stone carving on [...]

1704, 2022

Turf cutting ban is unworkable

Turf cutting ban is unworkable I believe that the ban on the sale of turf as proposed by Minister Eamonn Ryan and the Government is unworkable. “We have hundred of thousands of homeowners who rely [...]

904, 2022

Housing for All not delivering houses where there is demand

I have challenged the Housing for All Policy. It is not living up to its promises. Firstly, the Affordable Purchase Scheme is not available in Galway or throughout the country and people are frustrated at [...]

804, 2022

Government must provide additional supports to first time home buyers in light of increase costs of building

I have called on the Government to provide additional supports to first time buyers of new homes. “I have been contacted by many young couples who had their new homes costed and have been approved [...]

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