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Long awaited Kilrickle Group Water Scheme to commence construction
I have received confirmation from the Minister for Housing and Local Government that his Department have approved the contract for Kilrickle/Kilcooley Group Water Scheme and the contract is to be signed next week. “I am [...]
Minister needs to intervene to resolve to School transport fiasco
I have called on the Minister for Education to intervene and immediately sort out the school bus fiasco. I have received calls from hundreds of parents who have been refused bus tickets despite their willingness [...]
School Transport in disarray as parents are being refused bus tickets
I have received many representations from concerned parents that their children are not getting school bus tickets this year despite the fact that they got them in previous years. “The Government announced free transport to [...]
18,245 County Galway adults with Long Covid struggling to access services
I have called on Government to treat the surge in long Covid patients with the same urgency as the initial Covid-19 infections and ensure that the 18,245 adults in County Galway who are trying to [...]
Shortage of Community Welfare staff causing problems
The shortage of Community Welfare staff is causing delays in dealing with applications for Supplementary Welfare Support. The issues such as cost of fuel, food and basics to have a warm home, food on the [...]
Calls on the HSE to establish a second Ambulance Base on a 24-hour, seven-day basis in Tuam
I have requested the HSE consider putting a second ambulance at Tuam Ambulance Base on 24-hour, seven-day basis to meet the demand for the service in the region. The base in Tuam services a large [...]