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School bus service is not fit for purpose.
The school bus service is no longer fit for purpose and needs to be completely overhauled as a matter of urgency. “For a second year running parents and students are left without school bus tickets [...]
Welcomes the establishment of a second full time Ambulance and crew in Tuam
I welcome the establishment of a second ambulance and crew at Tuam Ambulance Base on 24-hour, seven-day basis to meet the demand for the service in the region. The additional ambulance and crew commenced operations [...]
Calls on the Government to defer the implementation of the proposed Concrete levy
I am calling on the Government to defer the implementation of the proposed Concrete levy. I am calling for the deferral as the Department of Finance and Revenue are now including Precast Concrete Products in [...]
Roll out of Fiber optic Broadband needs to be accelerated to meet demand
I am calling on National Broadband Ireland (NBI) and Government to accelerate the build out of the National Broadband Plan if we are to achieve the target of 96% of all houses and premises to [...]
Welcome funding for 3 flooding relief schemes for Galway
Welcome funding for 3 flooding relief schemes for Galway. I have received confirmation from the Minister for the Office of Public Works that he has today sanctioned funding for three flood relief schemes under the [...]
Call on the Department of Health and the HSE to provide ADHD services in the Galway Area
I have received confirmation from the HSE that the National Clinical Programme for the treatment of Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) has not yet been extended to the Community Health West. Furthermore, the HSE cannot [...]