New Clár scheme for mobility and cancer care transport
New Clár scheme for mobility and cancer care transport
Details have been announced for a new Clár scheme which is targeting the provision of transport services for people with significant mobility issues and also people travelling to and from cancer treatment services.
€1.5 million is being made available to eligible organisations under the Clár 2018 programme for the Wheelchair Access and Cancer Care Support Measure which will be operated directly by the Department of Rural and Community Development.
The measure is open to established, voluntary organisations or groups that operate on a voluntary basis, and are involved in the provision of transport services, free of charge, to persons requiring wheelchair accessible vehicles to access day care or other medical, therapy or respite services and/or those requiring transport to and from hospitals for treatments under the National Cancer Care Programme.
In the normal course, Clár eligibility is based on being physically located within a designated Clár DED. Given the need to travel considerable distances, in some cases, to hospitals and other specialist facilities located in non Clár areas; eligibility in this instance will be based on the ‘catchment area’ being served by the vehicles and by demonstrating that the majority (at least 80%) of the need can be attributed to Clár DEDs.
The scheme will cover the cost of a vehicle and/or the fit out of a vehicle where necessary. Applicants should provide full details regarding the costs associated with the purchase and/or fit out of proposed vehicles. The scheme will not cover any ongoing running costs such as insurance, maintenance, fuel etc. Applicant organisations will be required to outline how they will manage the ongoing operation of the vehicle.
The scheme will provide up to 85% of the total cost of a vehicle/fit out subject to a maximum grant, per applicant, of €50,000 for a wheelchair accessible vehicle and €100,000 for a bus. A match funding contribution of at least 15% is required.
Queries in relation to this scheme should be submitted to the Department via The closing date for this scheme is August 28th.