Minister Seán Canney addresses the National Power Summit

Minister Seán Canney addresses the National Power Summit

Sean Canney, Minister of State at the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment, today made the opening address on “Tomorrow’s energy scenarios as we plan for our energy future” at the 2019 National Power Summit organised by the Sunday Business Post.

Minister Canney highlighted that Ireland’s Draft National Energy & Climate Plan 2021 to 2030 is currently open for public consultation until 22 February and is available on the Department’s website – Noting that the Plan is not due for finalisation until end 2019, he said ” I encourage you all to make contributions in response to the public consultation to help shape our energy transition.”

Minister Canney further noted that the Draft NECP takes population growth assumptions from Project Ireland 2040 into account. “A key figure contained in Project Ireland 2040 is the assumption that Ireland’s population will grow by 1 million people over the period to 2040, which will mean we need to create 660,000 additional jobs and to build 550,000 more homes. We also need to ensure the population growth is balanced across the cities and regional towns and population centres. There will be consequent demand impacts across energy, climate, infrastructure, waste and communications.”

The Draft NECP includes four scenarios for the period 2021 to 2030. Two are based on a low oil price, while two are based on a high oil price and this is intended to illustrate how the successful implementation of planned policies and measures may be influenced by external factors such as oil price. The Draft NECP is modelled, taking into account planned climate and energy commitments, included in Ireland’s National Development Plan 2018-2027, which sets the investment framework for the next decade.

Minister Canney said that “The scenarios modelled in the Draft NECP indicate that Ireland will reach between 24% and 28% renewable energy by 2030, but will miss its binding greenhouse gas emissions target by between 7 and 40 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent over the 2021-2030 period.”

He went on to say that new and enhanced climate measures will emerge from the all-of-Government emissions plan announced by Minister Bruton which is due for completion by the end of next month.

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