Minister Canney updates IFA on flood protection measures

Minister of State for the OPW and Galway East TD, Sean Canney met with an IFA delegation in Government buildings this week to update them on flood protection measures being undertaken by his Department.
The meeting was arranged between the Minister of State for the OPW, Sean Canney and the IFA in Government Buildings on Tuesday, at which Deputy Moran also attended. The IFA delegation included Padraic Joyce, John Hanley (Roscommon), Pat Gilhooley (Leitrim) Richard O’Brien (Westmeath) and Sean Confrey (Longford).
Minister Canney outlined to the meeting updates regarding the River Shannon, CRAM, Relocation proposals, Turloughs and other major works being undertaken.
Regarding turlough flooding, Minister Canney said OPW engineering staff are working with the county councils of Roscommon, Galway and Mayo. These include Lough Funshinagh, Bushfield and other turloughs in Roscommon, South Galway turloughs with a particular focus on Gort Lowlands and the Neale and further turloughs in Mayo.
The Geological Survey Ireland (GSI) has initiated a project on Groundwater and Turlough Monitoring and Modelling in order to advance further study into the mechanisms of groundwater flooding and to address the deficit of date available in this area. An Advisory/Steering Group for this project has been established and it has held its first meeting in February. Minister Canney confirmed that the GSI has installed additional monitoring gauges on turloughs in Roscommon and the Gort Lowlands.
Regarding CRAM, the OPW is currently assessing the submissions received following the public consultation. They are also prioritising the preferred measures, informed through a multi-criteria analysis and the risk-to-life, to form the national flood relief capital investment programme.
Minister Canney added that once the Flood Risk Management Plans are finalised they will be presented to the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform for approval shortly.

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