Minister Canney receives plaudit as Best Minister of State from Irish Times Columnist

Galway East TD and Minister of State for the OPW with responsibility for flood relief was the subject of national media attention at the weekend when he was considered Best Minister of State from Irish Times columnist, Miriam Lord along with Deputy Marcella Corcoran-Kennedy.

The columnist issues an annual list of awards from the political scene and local Minister Sean Canney was among those to receive favourable mention from Lord. Her comments were: “The gong is jointly awarded to independent Sean Canney for his work on flood defences and Marcella Corcoran-Kennedy, for doggedly holding her ground against some of her own colleagues, along with extremely pushy retail and drink industry lobbyists who want elements of the alcohol Bill watered down.”

Earlier, in August, Minister Canney was the subject of further support when another noted Irish Times journalist, Harry McGee awarded him the ‘gold medal’ for political performance. McGee, writing in the Connaught Tribune observed: “There is only one gold medal and it goes to Sean Canney. From the start, he demonstrated that he had good ideas, got things done and was politically sensible in approach. Despite his status as a newbie, he played a strong role in negotiations and has been an excellent and inclusive Minister, in charge of the Office of Public Works, and also responsible for flood control. An Bonn ór tuillte aige.”

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