Calls on Government to fund Irish Water

I stated in the Dáil this week that the lack of funding of Irish Water has now become an impediment to the delivery of Irelands infrastructure including housing, schools and industrial buildings. “There are significant [...]

Galway Wool Co-op is an opportunity for Galway Sheep farmers

I welcome the initiative to form a Wool Co-operative to market and sell Galway Wool as a giant step forward for Sheep Farmers. “Last Saturday the Galway Wool Co-op were successful in selling over 5,000 [...]

Congratulations to Three Galway Winners in Green-Schools Irish Water Poster Competition

Winners celebrated by Green-Schools & Irish Water at virtual award ceremony I congratulate the three Galway winners in the Green-Schools Poster and Video Competition Awards online today, in a virtual ceremony shown on screens in [...]

The passport office have a backlog of 90,000 passport applications.

They are processing the applications but there are delays. The Passport offices advice to the public is not to book any flights or ferries unless you have an in-date passport. It is essential to check [...]

Welcome new study on the feasibility of the Western Rail Corridor

I welcome the publication of the Bradley Report on the feasibility of the Western Rail Corridor Phase 2 and Phase 3. The Report sets out the capital cost of €154 million and demonstrates a cost [...]

Calls for Government to provide additional funding for non-public local roads

I have called on the Government to increase the amount of funding for the Local Improvement Scheme (LIS) to deal with the volume of applications received. “Galway County Council have a total of 237 valid [...]

By | June 21st, 2021|Blog, Galway East, Homepage, Information, Latest News, Tuam Area|0 Comments

Independent Regional Group Members secure commitment from Tánaiste for buy local campaign

I along with my colleagues in the Independent Regional Group of TDs this week met with the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Mr Leo Varadkar today to discuss further supporting Irish local [...]

By | June 18th, 2021|Blog, Galway East, Homepage, Information, Latest News, Tuam Area|0 Comments

Grants for Outdoor Seating and Accessories 2021 extended to pubs that do not serve food

I welcome the inclusion of Pubs that do not serve food in the new outdoor seating and accessories grant scheme, supported by Fáilte Ireland in partnership with local authorities. The scheme is now open for [...]

By | June 17th, 2021|Blog, Galway East, Homepage, Information, Latest News, Tuam Area|0 Comments

Construction approval received for Craughwell NS Extension

I have received confirmation from the Dept of Education that the tender evaluation for the extension of Craughwell is complete and the tender report has been approved by them. “This approval paves the way for [...]

Welcome for extension of CE Scheme contracts until end October 2021 to benefit over 11,000 participants.

Participants will be facilitated in exiting schemes on phased basis. I welcome the announcement by the Department of Social Protection of further measures to support participants of Community Employment (CE) and Tús schemes. ‘Under the [...]

By | June 15th, 2021|Blog, Galway East, Homepage, Information, Latest News, Tuam Area|0 Comments