Canney welcomes news that U12s go free at OPW sites

News that all children under 12 can have free admission to all OPW managed heritage sites was welcomed this week by East Galway TD Seán Canney. The announcement was made by Minister Kevin ‘Boxer’ Moran [...]

Self-employed need to be treated equally – Sean Canney TD

Self-employed people need to be treated equally, according to East Galway TD Seán Canney who recently heard how issues such as insurance, rates and increased paperwork are making self-employment more difficult with each passing year. [...]

Visit to Tuam Primary Care Centre

I had an opportunity on Monday morning last to see at first hand the new Tuam Primary Care Centre along with HSE staff and local public representatives. I also had an opportunity to see the [...]

Irish Water takes over responsibility for new water connections

Irish Water is now the main point of contact for applicants in county Galway seeking connection to the water and wastewater infrastructure. The water company has also established a pre-connection enquiry process which will allow [...]

Canney welcomes funding for Knock Airport

East Galway TD Seán Canney has welcomed funding of €1,109,430 for Knock Airport. ‘The funding represents the first allocation of support this year. The funds will go towards safety and security related projects. The funding [...]

Reminder – Community Facilities Scheme 2017

The closing date for the Galway County Council’s Community Facilities Scheme is fast approaching. Galway County Local Community Development Committee has been allocated a fund of €64,500 by the Department of Housing, Community and Local [...]

Concern over changes to speed limits

I am very concerned over proposals by Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) to change the location of speed limits in towns and villages. The proposals include a plan to move the speed limits closer to towns. [...]

By | June 21st, 2017|Blog, Galway East, Information, Latest News, Tuam Area|0 Comments

Canney welcomes Back to School allowance increase

EAST Galway TD Sean Canney this week welcomed an increase in the level of the Back to School Clothing and Footwear Allowance. ‘This allowance is crucial in helping many families meet the cost of back [...]

Canney seeks full diagnostic services at new Tuam Primary Care Centre

The need for a full complement of diagnostic services at the new Primary Care Centre in Tuam has been highlighted to incoming Taoiseach Leo Varadkar and Health Minister Simon Harris by East Galway TD Seán [...]

By | June 21st, 2017|Blog, Galway East, Health, Homepage, Information, Latest News, Tuam Area|0 Comments

Canney welcomes flood relief works at Labane

Deputy Seán Canney TD this week welcomed the fact that flood relief works have been carried out in Labane. ‘The N18 at Labane was closed for over three months during the last flooding event. Galway [...]

By | June 21st, 2017|Blog, Flood Relief, Gort Area, Homepage, Information, Latest News, O P W|0 Comments