Good news for local towns and villages

Significant funding for towns and villages in East Galway under the Town and Village Enhancement scheme was announced today. In total towns and villages in county Galway are to receive over €1 million in funding [...]

Proposed changes to Fair Deal scheme welcome

Proposed changes to the Fair Deal Scheme which would assist self-employed people and farm families to access the scheme are very welcome and long overdue. Minister Jim Daly has confirmed that he proposes to cap [...]

Blue Star Programme

Local primary schools are being invited to get involved in the Blue Star Programme. The programme, which has been running since 2011, aims to foster better understanding and knowledge of the EU among primary schools [...]

Ribbon Cutting at Penn Engineering

Congratulations to Penn Engineering on the occasion of the opening of their new facility at Mervue Industrial Estate yesterday. They are also celebrating 75 years of business in Ireland. Congratulations to all involved, including Managing [...]

By | September 26th, 2017|Blog, Galway East, Homepage, Latest News, Launch Events, Tuam Area|0 Comments

Ireland’s Rugby World Cup 2023 bid #Ireland2023

Ireland's Rugby World Cup 2023 bid #Ireland2023 As you may be aware, Ireland came together to distil what is best about our country, what exemplifies our spirit, our community, our welcome, into a bid to [...]

Canney – expresses concern at delays with Coláiste an Chláirin College, Athenry

East Galway TD Seán Canney has today met with Minister Bruton along with the Principal of Coláiste an Chláirin College, the Principal of the Gaelscoil and the CE of GRETB and other Oireachtas members to [...]

By | September 23rd, 2017|Athenry Area, Blog, Education, Galway East, Homepage, Latest News|0 Comments

Canney – welcomes launch for €10 million programme for Local Improvement Schemes.

East Galway TD Seán Canney has welcomed the launch today by An Taoiseach Leo Varadkar TD, the Minister for Rural and Community Development, Michael Ring TD, and Minister of State for the OPW, Kevin ‘Boxer’ [...]

Contract signing for Athenry wastewater

News that the contract for the upgrading of the wastewater plant in Athenry is to be signed in coming days is most welcome I have received confirmation from Irish Water that the contract for the [...]

By | September 21st, 2017|Athenry Area, Blog, Farming, Galway East, Health, Homepage, Latest News, O P W|0 Comments

Canney calls for equity for group water schemes

East Galway TD Seán Canney this week called for equity of treatment for group water schemes. ‘Following on from the announcement that domestic water charges are to be refunded with a minimum of delay, the [...]

Canney states Apple still committed to Athenry

East Galway TD Seán Canney states that reports in certain section of the national media questioning Apples commitment to Athenry are not correct. ‘I have been in contact with Leo Varadkar this morning and he [...]

By | September 14th, 2017|Athenry Area, Blog, Galway East, Homepage, Information, Latest News|0 Comments