Canney welcomes €8 million investment in Social Housing in Tuam

Galway East TD Seán Canney has welcomed the fact that the contract signing for the construction of 40 new social and the refurbishment of 21 existing houses on Gilmartin Road, Tuam will take place on [...]

By | December 16th, 2017|Blog, Galway East, Homepage, Housing, Information, Latest News, Tuam Area|0 Comments

Canney welcomes funding for N67 Ballindereen to Kinvara Road

Galway East TD Seán Canney has welcomed the inclusion of the N67 Ballindereen to Kinvara road as part of the €136 million announced today in the Capital Investment for National Road re-alignment scheme. The N67 [...]

By | December 13th, 2017|Blog, Gort Area, Homepage, Information, Kinvara Area, Latest News|0 Comments

Canney welcomes 75 jobs for Gort by NATUS Medical Incorporated

Galway East TD Seán Canney has welcomed the decision by Galway County Council of their decision to grant planning permission for an extension to the NATUS Medical facility at Gort which will allow for the [...]

By | December 12th, 2017|Blog, Galway East, Homepage, Latest News, Launch Events|0 Comments

Canney welcomes funding for Food Innovation Hub

Galway East TD Seán Canney is this week welcomes the funding for a Food Innovation Hub for Athenry as part of the Regional Development Fund announced today. ‘I have made representations on this matter to [...]

By | December 11th, 2017|Athenry Area, Blog, Farming, Galway East, Homepage, Information, Latest News|0 Comments

Canney Welcomes appointment of Engineering Designers for South Galway/Gort Lowlands flood relief scheme.

East Galway T.D. Seán Canney has welcomed the appointment of the Engineering Consultants to design an engineering solution for the South Galway/Gort Lowlands flood relief scheme. This area in County Galway has been subjected to [...]

Changes to Invalidity Pension for self-employed

Welcome changes which allow self-employed people with sufficient PRSI contributions to access Invalidity Pension came into effect on December 1st last. The economic crash of 2007 exposed just how vulnerable self-employed people are in terms [...]

By | December 7th, 2017|Blog, Galway East, Health, Homepage, Information, Latest News|0 Comments

Canney welcomes progress on flood relief schemes

Galway East TD Seán Canney this week welcomed progress on the Dunkellin and Aggard Flood Relief Scheme. ‘Work is ongoing on a range of projects in relation to the Dunkellin and Aggard Flood Relief Scheme, [...]

Canney welcomes Sports Capital Grants 2017

Galway East TD Seán Canney has welcomed funding for spots and leisure facilities for Galway East. ‘In excess of €1.5 million in funding for clubs and public facilities has been provided. This allocation will allow [...]

€68,000 for Portumna flood works

Over €68,000 has been approved today for Portumna flood works. €25,650 has been provided for the installation of a surface water drain and associated works at Oultort, Portumna and €42,750 has been allocated for the [...]

Timeline for progress on Clarin College Athenry

The emergence of a timeline for progress on a new build for Clarin College Athenry is very welcome. The Department of Education envisages that the new secondary school could be delivered for September 2019. This [...]

By | November 28th, 2017|Athenry Area, Blog, Education, Galway East, Homepage, Information, Latest News|0 Comments