Home Care Services in Galway and Mayo under pressure

I have received confirmation from the HSE that there are 588 people awaiting mainstream Home Support service. “Further, the Intensive Home Care Packages in excess of 56 hours is also under pressure. The challenge is [...]

Galway Roscommon Education & Training Board to appoint a Design Team for the new National School for Tuam

I have been informed by the Minister for Education that GRETB have now signed a service level agreement with the Department of Education to deliver the new amalgamated Primary School for Tuam The Department have [...]

Retrofit of Local Authority houses before any ban on the sale of turf

I have received confirmation from the Minister for Local Government that his Department do not collate any information on the type of heating source in the Local Authority housing stock across the country. “It is [...]

Critical of the HSE for not decentralising their contract tracing system to the West

The HSE are following the pattern of other state agencies by not maintaining any contact tracing centre in the West of Ireland. “The HSE have decided to retain a centre in Dublin and Cork but [...]

By | June 21st, 2022|Blog, Galway East, Health, Homepage, Information, Latest News, Tuam Area|0 Comments

Cost of building houses is out of control

The cost of building a home is out of control. “The biggest cost in the building of a house is tax, legal costs, development levies, waste, sewerage connection costs and ESB connection charges. If Government [...]

Welcomes completion of the Dunkellin Flood Relief Scheme

I was delighted to attend the handover of the Dunkellin Flood Relief Scheme to Galway County Council on Tuesday morning. “This project was debated in the Dáil in the 1940’s and has been on a [...]

Welcomes decision by St. Jarlath’s Credit Union to install ATMs in three rural towns in North Galway

I welcome the decision by St. Jarlath’s Credit Union to install ATM cash dispensing machines in Dunmore, Mountbellew and Glenamaddy. “The first step has been a positive planning decision by Galway County Council to allow [...]

By | June 10th, 2022|Blog, Galway East, Homepage, Information, Latest News, Tuam Area|0 Comments

Electric Charging Infrastructure is way behind demand

The Electric Charging Infrastructure is falling way behind demand. “I am aware of two families who bought electric cars but sold them again as there were too few electric charging points available to the public. [...]

By | June 8th, 2022|Blog, Galway East, Homepage, Information, Latest News, Tuam Area|0 Comments

Warns the Taoiseach on the future of the Rural Social Scheme

I have warned the Taoiseach that the Rural Social Schemes (RSS) as it presently exists will be lost to local communities and the participants if the 6-year rule for new participants is not removed immediately. [...]

By | June 3rd, 2022|Blog, Galway East, Homepage, Information, Latest News, Tuam Area|0 Comments

Department of Education confirm no funding available for a Sports Hall for Seamount College, Kinvara, Co. Galway.

Department of Education confirm no funding available for a Sports Hall for Seamount College, Kinvara, Co. Galway. I have received confirmation from the Minister for Education that there is no funding presently available to build [...]