Canney announces Flood relief funding for Sliabh Carran Housing Estate in Gort

Flood relief funding for Sliabh Carran Housing Estate in Gort I have received confirmation from the Office of Public Works that they are allocating €108,000 to Galway County Council to carry out flood relief measures [...]

Canney welcomes announcement of €5 million Higher Education Innovation and Transformation Fund

Canney welcomes announcement of €5 million Higher Education Innovation and Transformation Fund and announcement of Ring-fenced funding for Multi Campus Institutions. I welcome the announcement today by Minister Richard Bruton T.D. and the Minister of [...]

Canney calls for retention of over 55s on CE schemes

Canney calls for retention of over 55s on CE schemes I have called for changes to be made to the rules governing CE Schemes to allow participants who are aged over 55 to stay on [...]

Call for changes to Farm Inspection regime

Call for changes to Farm Inspection regime I have written to the Minister for Agriculture Mr. Michael Creed requesting a change to the Departments inspection regime for single farm payments. Presently once an inspection takes [...]

Investment in PE and computer science in local schools.

Investment in PE and computer science in local schools. Investment in educational facilities to allow schools to teach new leaving cert subjects such as PE and computer science was announced this week. The Convent of [...]

Chiropodist Services for Tuam

Chiropodist Services for Tuam I have received confirmation that Chiropodist Services will be available in the Primary Care Centre in Tuam. ‘I have been informed by the H.S.E. that they are presently recruiting a Chiropodist [...]

By | July 17th, 2018|Health, Homepage, Information, Latest News, Tuam Area|0 Comments

Kilmeen Cross improvements to have design completed shortly

Kilmeen Cross improvements to have design completed shortly. Seán Canney T.D has received confirmation from Galway County Council that the design phase of the improvement works for Kilmeen Cross Loughrea are nearing completion. The improvement [...]

Canney welcomes Clár funding for Measure 3 projects in Galway

Seán Canney T.D. has welcomed the allocation of funding to Eyrecourt and District Cardiac First Responders in the sum of €4,080 and a sum of €10,460 to Killascobe Defibrillator group. Galway Mountain rescue received a [...]

By | July 14th, 2018|Blog, Galway East, Homepage, Information, Latest News|0 Comments

Canney Welcomes Emergency Funding for Schools in Galway East

I have been informed by the Department of Education that two Schools in Galway East have been approved in the latest round of funding for Emergency Works. Belclare N.S have been allocated funding for the [...]

By | July 7th, 2018|Blog, Education, Galway East, Homepage, Latest News, Tuam Area|0 Comments

Galway Playgrounds benefit from Clár Funding

I am pleased to confirm that 5 playgrounds in County Galway are to receive funding of €242,500 for new playgrounds and refurbishment of existing playgrounds. The funding is available under measure 2 of the Clár [...]

By | July 6th, 2018|Blog, Galway East, Homepage, Information, Latest News|0 Comments