Galway East TD and Minister for Rural Affairs Seán Canney has welcomed news that the Kiltiernan to Ballinderreen Flood Relief Scheme is nearly finished.
The project was first brought forward following severe flooding at Kiltiernan National School in 2009 and 2016.
Minister Canney said: “Works have been ongoing over the last two years. Now that the works are nearing completion there is a sense of relief in the community and the school.
“The investment is in excess of €300,000 and will alleviate the flood risk in the catchment area. This was evident following the very heavy rainfall in August.
“The scheme was partially funded by Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) with major funding approved by the Office of Public Works (OPW) through the Minor Works Scheme.
“I acknowledge the efforts of all involved in delivering this project, including Galway County Council, the OPW and TII.
“I also want to acknowledge the efforts of the local committee, the Principal, staff, parents and Board of Management at Kiltiernan National School who have continued to highlight these very serious issues.
“Finally the landowners along the route should be thanked for their support and generosity in facilitating the works to be carried out, along with the contractor who has executed the project.

For more information, contact Minister Canney on 086-2513639
September 30 2019

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