Failte Ireland are providing a training and investment programme to help Visitor Attractions and Activity Providers in Ireland’s Hidden Heartlands to attract more customers by improving their websites.
The purpose of the website improvement programme is to improve web skills and to fund necessary improvements to websites.
Ninety two per cent of visitors use the internet to research information about destinations they are travelling to.
Fáilte Ireland are asking two questions:
As a visitor attraction or activity provider, can you really afford not to be coming up in search results?
When visitors do visit your website, do you provide the right content and use the right tactics to capture the sale?
The website improvement programme is about providing participants with a range of free and heavily-funded supports to help tourism businesses thrive in the online world.
The following is what is included as part of the programme:
Free review of the website and advice on what is wrong and what needs to change
Free workshops with training provided by some of the leading Digital Marketers in Ireland
Free 1 to 1 online consultancy
75% funding towards eligible costs for capital investment in a website – participants only need to contribute 25% to any eligible costs for improving their website.
To find out more and to Express An Interest in applying for the Website Improvement Programme, email the Ireland’s Hidden Heartlands team at They will then forward an Expression of Interest Form.
The Closing Date for receipt of Expressions of Interest is Wednesday July 24 at 12 noon.

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