Homecare Hours should be a vital component of the Governments Winter Plan
The Programme for Governments Winter Plan which commits to invest in additional Homecare hours and to legislate for a statutory Homecare Scheme needs to be enacted now.
‘Research has shown than an increase of 1.5 million homecare hours would equate to a reduction of 14,700 fewer inpatients bed days per annum. The saving to the state would be €90 million according to the ERSI. We need to ensure hospital overcrowding is managed this winter. The consequences of overcrowding would be a disaster during the COVID-19 pandemic’.
Homecare is scalable, requiring no additional capital investment to improve capacity or safety.
Older adults feel safer in their homes and in most instances can be happier to be in their own homes.
‘I am calling on the Minister for Health to place Homecare at the centre of its Winter Plan’.
‘I am also requesting the Minister to immediately bring forward details and legislation for the statutory Homecare Scheme promised in the Programme for Government’.
Homecare is an essential component in the care of older adults especially as community services cannot be delivered due to social distancing. The lack of socialisation opportunities for day care settings have impacted negatively on the health of adults.
‘Now is the time to invest in homecare hours to provide decent homecare, save the state money and keep our hospital beds free for COVID-19 uses’.