Groundwater Flood Mapping and Hydrometric data viewer
Welcome for the launching of the Groundwater Flood Mapping and Hydrometric data viewer as essential in assisting in providing flood relief measures
I welcome the publication of Groundwater Flood Mapping and Hydrometric web service by Geological Survey Ireland (GSI) this week.
The publication of the map is as a result of a collaboration between GSI Trinity College Dublin and The Institute of Technology Carlow. The collaboration developed a monitoring, mapping and modelling programme to address the knowledge gap regarding Karst Groundwater Systems.
The project team worked with Local Authorities and the OPW to produce flood maps and data products which can be used to inform future flood risk Management Strategies.
The Gort Lowlands was used as a test base and is providing vital information in finding engineering solutions to the plague of flooding in turlough and karst limestone areas.
The research also demonstrates the unique nature of the flooding in the Gort Lowlands and how an engineering solution can be attained.
‘As former Minister with responsibility for Geological Services Ireland I want to acknowledge the work of all involved in providing the necessary information to tackle flooding in turlough areas’