Government need to sort Galway County funding on a permanent basis
The Government have to stop playing games and sort out the funding crisis in Galway County Council.
“Last year I along with other Oireachtas members engaged with the Department and we secured a one-off fund of €1 million”.
‘However, this is a stop gap measure and Galway County Council are reporting a deficit of €1.40 million. This situation has arisen over a long number of years. Galway County Council receive €670.53 per capita in funding whilst counties like Donegal, Kerry, Mayo and Tipperary received in excess of €960 per capita’.
Galway County is the second largest county and is responsible for a diverse area including Islands, yet we are getting one of the lowest fund from central Government.
“Services will be affected by this situation and the services we take for granted will disappear.”
“The report prepared on the amalgamation process on the state of the Local Authorities clearly reported the lack of funding was the priority of the county”.
‘We will see a marked reduction in services unless the Government immediately address this glaring anomaly in funding.