Please support the Galway Hospice Sunflower Appeal.
Like for most worthy causes, street collections cannot take place this year because of COVID-19.
Normally collectors would have been selling Sunflower pins across Galway this Friday and Saturday.
Last year the Sunflower collection raise €80,000 but this year the appeal organisers are asking people to give safely from home by donating online, by phone or text.
People can support the Galway Hospice Sunflower Appeal in the following ways:
Sponsor a flower in the Galway Hospice Virtual Garden at
Text GHF to 50300 to donate €4. (Text Costs €4. Galway Hospice will receive a minimum of €3.60. Service Provider: LIKECHARITY. Helpline 076 6805278.)
Purchase Sunflower products at
Donate at
Phone 091-770868
All funds raised through the Galway Hospice Sunflower Appeal go to support Galway Hospice services, which are provided free of charge to patients and families affected by life-limiting illness, for as long as they are needed.

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