Galway County Council to receive additional €1,000,000 in Local Improvement Scheme funding (LIS)

Sean Canney – Galway County Council to receive additional €1,000,000 in Local Improvement Scheme funding (LIS)

I confirmed that Galway County Council are to receive an additional €1 million in LIS funding.
‘The allocation is in addition to the €942,000 allocated earlier this year for the scheme.
‘The scheme involves the surfacing of local roads which are not in charge of the County Council but are used by the public.
‘The scheme is funded by the Department of Community & Rural Development.
‘Galway County Council have received the highest amount of grant of any Local Authority. This reflects the hard work of the local Engineers in identifying roads which qualify for funding.
‘I want to compliment Minister Michael Ring TD who re-introduced this scheme after a ten year lapse.
‘The total National fund in this round is €10 million and fulfils another Programme for Government commitment.

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