Galway East TD and Minister for Rural Affairs Seán Canney is calling on new clubs in Galway East to apply for Club Development Funding.
I am urging new or recently-formed sports and community clubs to apply for development funding from Galway Sports Partnership.
The fund puts particular emphasis on encouraging those who are currently not participating in sport with a focus on five key target groups, including women and girls, older adults, people who are unemployed, disadvantaged groups and people from disadvantaged areas and people with disabilities.
The funding is for clubs that have been in existence for one year or less.
Applications can be submitted for coach and volunteer training, purchase of equipment and other costs associated with establishing the club but not insurance and registration costs.
Funding is from Sport Ireland and the maximum allocation for any individual application is €800.
The closing date for applications is 4pm Thursday October 10 2019 and full details and application forms are available by calling Galway Sports Partnership on 091-509572, 091-509577 or 091-536459 or by emailing