East Galway Wastewater Treatment Plant is essential for economic growth for Galway County & City

I have received confirmation from Irish Water that they are to review the long-term Wastewater Treatment needs under the greater Galway Area Drainage Study.
“I am concerned at the slow progress in providing this infrastructure in order to allow the expansion of the County along the Ardaun Corridor. This corridor has been identified as the area for economic development for over 15 years and it is incredible that Irish Water are only now commencing a review of the plan to assess and identify capital investment to meet it needs”.
“Prior to the arrival of Irish Water, a site was identified by Galway Council following a feasibility study, but Irish Water is now going back to an assessment of needs”.
“The Ardaun Corridor stretching East from Parkmore is seen as a Strategic Development Area to enable the city to grow to allow for housing, industrial development, and amenity but without wastewater facilities nothing will progress”.
“If we are to build houses and provide jobs for the future generation, we need to provide the infrastructure to ensure Galway City and County grow to reach its full potential”.

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